Pulverizing The Patterns™

Conversations with Jed Brotherson

Pulverizing the Patterns™ is a transformative podcast dedicated to breaking toxic cycles and reclaiming personal power.

Each episode dives deep into themes like overcoming harmful family dynamics, standing up for yourself with courage, speaking out against injustice, and cultivating healthy, authentic relationships.

Right now, we are interviewing great guest experts who share empowering stories, expert insights, and actionable strategies to help our listeners break free from negative patterns and create a life rooted in self-respect, clarity, and connection.

To be considered for our Launch Day lineup, simply complete the brief information form below and tell us about yourself, your topic, and your message to the world:

Jed Brotherson
Host, Pulverizing The Patterns™

By submitting this information, you agree, if you are selected as a featured guest expert, that we can use the recording(s) for our podcast(s), website(s), product(s), book(s), etc. without any compensation owed to you, as long as we mention your website (that you listed above) when we repurpose the interview so people can find you. You, in turn, can do the exact same thing as long as your reader/listener/viewer hears from you that it came from your appearance on "Pulverizing The Patterns: Conversations With Jed Brotherson". We'll make an MP3 of the interview available to you. Sound good?

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